
Piwackett is a female housecat with the standard Felid abilities. Ske is skilled in a variety of survival methods, as well as hunting, tracking, knives and such. Piwackett was created and is owned by Mike Sonby.

Background (by Mike): The middle child of nine, Josephine Piwackett Arichs was the most overlooked. She learned to watch and listen well. During high school, she got into the information trade, passing gossip on fellow students for cash. The father of one of Jo's friends was an FBI field officer, and he recruited her. She stayed for half the training session, enjoying the training but disliking the rules. She ended up quitting to go to Sanctuary. She's looking for her life's calling, trying to figure out what she wants.

Amy Lee Perry « | I - Q | » Pollux

this page last updated on 24 november 2019